Food at Puddleduck

Menu or Reverse BYO®?

It's your choice at Puddleduck!

Whether you need to refuel from a busy few hours exploring the Coal River Valley or are just plain hungry we have you covered.​

You can choose to order from our Pecking Menu and sit inside or outside, or if it's a nice day why not "Reverse BYO"®  and bring your own food to enjoy in our outdoor areas.

Just remember to leave all drinks behind!

For group booking catering options, please head to our Group Bookings information page.

Please note that prices in the attached sample menus are subject to change.

Please contact us to get our most up to date prices and offerings.

Reverse BYO®

The Deck

Our Deck is our "adults only" zone and is semi weather proof. With it's vergola style roof we can let the sun in or keep the rain out and market blinds help with the wind and rain too.

For more information download our Reverse BYO sheet or email us from the link below.

Green Zone

Our Green Zone is family friendly and incorporates our playground and lots of space to run and play. It features a shade cloth area for larger groups. Our green zone is weather dependent.